Lagenda Budak Setan The Series Slideshow

Friday, December 19, 2008

Cerita tak de tajuk...huhuhu

Hari nie kat ofis tak ramai org. Ada yg ambik cuti tahun & ada yg gi Teluk Intan coz hari nie dan esok ada sukan zon utara utk sume branch dlm negeri perak, perlis, kedah & penang. Aku tak join apa2 sukan pun.... malas sebenonyer. Tapi mulanyer aku plan nak gi tgk jugak & support team perak dan lagipun aku ingat nak jumpe kawan2 dr branch lain. Bukan selalu dpt berjumpa kecuali time kursus. Dan yg paling penting....... aku dah janji gan juli (my fren dr seberang Jaya branch) utk jumpe kat sane. Rupernya dia pun tak dpt datang..... Lega sikit aku. huhuhu..... jaatnye aku. Jadinye esok aku cume perlu pergi ke rumah ofismate aku.... Z & hafiz yg akan bersanding esok. Yg nie tak leh nak elak...... wajib pegi. Tak pe la kan..... makan free....huhuhu. Free ke???? ahaks..... sendiri mau ingat la. Apa2 pun selamat pengantin baru utk Z & hafiz. Tiba2 aku teringat time depa kapel dulu...... aku ler yg telah diamanahkan simpan rahsia yg depa berdua kapel. Kononnyer tak nak ofismate lain tahu..... Jenuh aku kena simpan rahsia. Tak kose tau...huhuhu. Tapi la nie hafiz pun dah kena keje kat penang branch. Jenuh ler depa tu. Oh ya..... lupa nak stori siang tadi kat ofis aku disebabkan ramai tak de..... sampaikan tingkat atas tingkat aku keje tak de org kecuali ada sorang clerk.... itupun kejab ada kejab tak de kat tempat die & pastu die cakap masa die sorang kat atas tu..... die rasa ada org sentuh kepala die.... eee...menyeramkan ler.... mana ada sapa kat atas tu..... pg tadi aku buat keje luar dan lagipun tak kan ler aku nak sentuh kepala laki org.... tak kose tau. Apalagi disebabkan kepenakutan aku... maka trus aku tak naik kat tingkat atas tu..... sanggup tu aku menumpang meja org kat bawah utk buat keje. Apatahnye dak2 ofis aku menakutkan aku konon2 depa dgr bunyi macam2 kat atas. Tak kose aku tau. Dah la masa mula2 pindah kat ofis nie dulu..... mmg ada mcm2 gangguan. Sampai kami kena baca doa selamat & yaasin kat ofis. eee..... seram2.

Dan ada satu lagi yg penting hari nie....hari nie birthday Riz rupernye. Happy birthday Riz. Moga berjaya dalam segala bidang diceburi, dimurahkan rezeki, bahagia & berjaya. Amin. Ceh.... ye ye aa je... aku nie.... cam ler Riz baca.huhuhu. Apa2pun aku nak kongsi sesuatu yg aku jumpa dr dailyhoroscopes.... utk Riz & mereka yg lain yg turut sama menyambut hari jadi pd hari yg sama ~ 19dis. hahaha.... cam aku tak de keje. Padahal keje menimbun nie. Sabo je..... nak release tensen kononnyer.

From Sunday, December 14 2008 - 12:00amTo Saturday, December 20 2008 - 11:59pm
Every day

Okay; so, now you are beginning to get the idea of how energy-follows-thought. This thinking will result in a positive or negative frame of mind. You know people that choose the negative way of thinking and you know people that choose positive way of thinking. This Sunday you must choose to create the reality you would like. This Monday begins cheerfully, with a strong feeling that all is right with the world. You may have the opportunity to add your thoughts to some professional discussion today. Some of you will soon benefit through tax breaks or refunds, insurance claims or legal settlements this Tuesday. Any problems that occur have easy answers this Wednesday. Coworkers may need your input, but instead of giving answers, you might consider helping them find their answers through the process of elimination for themselves. Driving into work this Thursday morning you may have finally decided that public transit or car-pooling may not be such a bad idea after all. A friend of yours may also be having a celebration this Friday. Find some way to spend time with this friend and you will become an encouragement. Spending quality time with loved ones takes priority all day this Saturday--

**** bukan utk dipercayai tapi utk suka2****

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