Lagenda Budak Setan The Series Slideshow

Saturday, June 26, 2010


Sebenonye hari nie aku bercadang utk mengemas rumah. Asyik berjalan sampai rumah pun ala2 tongkang pecah...huh. Tapi mood aku mengemas agak terganggu. Adeh.... paip salur air washing machine tu tanggal la plak.... jenuh aku pasang balik tapi tercabut aje. Huwaaaaaaaaa.... tensen dibuatnya. Susah gak rumah x de org laki nie ek. Sabo je la. Malam karang aku sambung balik.... tghhari buta nie.... cuaca yg panas buat aku hangin jer... Ingat petang nanti nak gi tesco pun hilang jadinya disebabkan washing machine yg membuatkan kepanasan hati aku mengelegak. Camner nak menyejukkan nyer ek....hmmm..... jom layan Zodiacfacts ttg capricorn dlm twitter. Maklum la aku nie berbintang Capricorn.... menyengih jer bila baca coz cam betul la jugak..huhu

1.Many #Capricorns follow the classical goat's pattern of having to carry responsibility or hardship very early in life.

~ hmm...x sure tapi yeah....aku bukan jenis yg lepas tgn & lari dr tggjwb. Itu pasti.

2.It isn't easy to get to know a #Capricorn.

~ aku mengaku yg aku nie jenis perahsia.... jd agak sukar utk org kenal aku. Kira betui la tuuuuuu.

3.#Capricorns are very choosy in taking anyone into a relationship.

~ sebenonya aku bukan la memilih kawan tp utk satu perhubungan yg bukan hanya kawan... itu sudah pasti..hmmm... sebenonya agak berhati-hati la takut tertipu.

4.Capricorns are full of contradictions and peculiarities when it comes to matters of the heart.

~ hmmm....perkara yg berkait dgn hati mmg la susah kan.... tp x kan org capricorn jer..huhu

5.#Capricorns will have a lot of many close relationships instead of one very close,and very meaningful one.

~ hmmm...biarlah rahsia

6.#Capricorns are people who seem to be a little formal, a little out of place with their fun-loving background.

~ haha...mmg kdg2 skema & kdg2 giler2 sikit

7. #Capricorns like to climb the social and professional ladders and are not left behind in trying to impress their superiors.

~ hmm.... sudah pasti. Rasanya sume org camtu kan.

8.#Capricorns are very committed to their cause and are really good at getting what they want.

~ ya...ya

9.#Capricorns know when they are really liked, and this knowledge is quite sufficient.

~ ya..sudah pasti & aku mmg susah nak berpura-pura suke terhadap benda/perkara yg aku x suke.

K... camne? Harap2 uols leh la kenal aku serba sikit melalui apa yg tertulis di atas.

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